A new ordinance, enacted unanimously, requires private contractors wishing to do business with the City of Los Angeles to disclose whether they do business with or offer discounts to the National Rifle Association (NRA). Yahoo Finance interviewed CCL President Robert S. Peck on the ordinance's constitutionality (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/new-los-angeles-says-contractors-must-disclose-nra-ties-224358900.html?ncid=twitter_yfsocialtw|1gbd0nolom).

    Peck explained that disclosure generally does not raise constitutional concerns except where it is likely to cause retribution against the disclosing party or its members. While private contractors have certain First Amendment rights that would prevent a city from discriminating against them because they refuse to support the incumbent political figures, there is a substantial open question about whether a city crosses a constitutional line when it insists on doing business companies that align with a city's public policy priorities, such as those that only use recycled products, Peck told the news source.