CCL President Robert S. Peck, made presentations to the Professionalism Committee at the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) annual meeting, held in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia July 20-23. At the meeting, chaired by Chief Justice Brent Dickson of Indiana, Peck won endorsement of a resolution he authored on judicial disqualification that will be considered at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting in Boston in August. Peck also presented information about the status of a White Paper on professionalism authored by the American Civil Trial Roundtable.
The Conference of Chief Justices is an organization of the judicial leaders of the highest courts of all U.S. States and territories. During the meeting, Peck also participated in the meeting of the CCJ Civil Justice Committee, which is examining rules and best practices in expediting civil trials. As part of that effort, the CCJ has established a task force comprised of judges, lawyers, and law professors to study the issue. Peck serves as a liaison from the ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section to the task force, which next meets in November.
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