CCL filed a Fourth Amended Complaint challenging a 2021 Florida law that restricted advertising and marketing by roofing contractors in order to discourage property insurance claims by homeowners. Among other things, the law prohibits advertisers from directly or indirectly encouraging or inducing an insurance claim. To avoid the prohibition under an amendment enacted in special session in 2022, the roofing contractor must add lengthy disclaimers that warn homeowners against filing fraudulent claims. According to the State, a small minority of claims, on the order of ten percent, are fraudulent, though, to date, the State has not explained how it arrived at that figure.

     The case is pending in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida. The plaintiffs are a large roofing contractor and a trade association whose members include roofing contractors. The defendants are the state officials who run the agencies charged with regulating and licensing contractors.